Trigger Points, Pressure Points with Stone Massage Tools

Okay. So, now I’m gonna show you how to use it in some different modalities like trigger point work, acupressure, or handed foot reflexology. So, in these kinds of works, the idea is that you’re focusing on a specific point. You wanna have the stone in your hand in a way that is relaxed. A basic one to start off with is like this. It’s the same, it’s familiar. It’s the same way how I use my thumb to push on the area. But I’m pushing with the stone like this. So, I might start off with this and work on a large area hand to soften up the tissue, kinda get things tip. Use a grill specifically. So, I can go specifically on the points. I can get in whole. 

I can feel the whole texture of the tissue and the can also do deep work in along the edges of the muscles in the hand. I can work up in between the bones of the hand. You get the deeper muscles I’m doing acupressure ingredients. What I might do is use it to work on a specific point to work down the lines of the points to dredge the yellow ingredient. It just run the energy. On a trigger point. If you’re feeling for a specific trigger point on a muscle, So, I might go specifically on a point and just hold it. If I’m a larger muscle and I want a blunter side, I’m gonna use it in my hand like this. My handstand relaxed and trapping the zone of my hand by the distributing it. 

One of the things that I do with the stone too sometimes when I’m working on a muscle. There’s the idea of moving the stone, moving pressure over the muscle but then, there’s also the idea of moving the muscle under the pressure which looks like shortening the muscle, coming in and getting force in an area and then lengthening the muscle underneath the pressure and this can be a whole other way to approach getting the muscle to change. On the forearms, I do a lot of work on my own forearms. And I usually start off with the back side of the muscle just freaking the blood back. I might come in and work more specifically. Out of muscle. Going in and give you deeper work

Serpentine Stone

My original design, and still the most popular style, this tool is great for beginners and professionals.

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